About us

It started in 2017. I was working in a highlandwear hire department in a store in Edinburgh, Scotland. As well as renting out kilts, the company also offered made to order trews. I remember thinking there was so much room for improvement. If I was in charge, I imagined, I would do things differently. For a start I would offer more than a single style. I would supply free alterations for the lifetime of the trews and a personalised service that befitted a luxury garment. After a few months I started Gunn & Grant and quit the store in Edinburgh.
Things were slow at first. Finding the right trews maker to join me was a painstaking process, but I knew that compromising on quality was never going to be an option. Over the intervening years, with the wonderful support of clients and their recommendations, suppliers, and my small team, we've grown into what I believe is the best trews maker in Scotland. But we won't fall into the trap of standing still. We are constantly learning from our clients all around the world and striving to improve our trews and our service. As we look to the future, I am are so grateful to those who have supported us from the start and along the way.
Michael Retout, Gunn & Grant Founder